

22 Mar 2015

Korean fortune telling ~Saju

Fortune telling in Korea is very popular around the new year and most people embrace the new years energy and want to know what the new year will be like.
As every life has its peaks and valleys, joys and sorrows people in Korea rely on Saju to give information in order to prepare themselves for their positive or negative destiny.
Saju is an important aspect of Korean culture and readings are often consulted before wedding ceremonies and other important events. Saju readers not only serve as fortune tellers but also as therapists and guidance counselors.

Visiting a Korean fortune telling was something I've always wanted to try as I am a great believer In fate and destiny and I visited one for the first time in Seoul recently.
The fortune teller was named Elley  and used her expertise to describe my personality and put my past, present and future in to context.
I learned that this was an introduction used before revealing my fortune for the previous year ahead.
I was told that each year had dissimilar influences whether it be wealth , health or building careers so I was asked a number of questions and was aware they can be caterogized in to human relations, academic degrees, love, wealth, career and reputation.
The reading held some really good and disappointing information for me and so far I can say what was predicted has been accurately correct over the past 3 months.
Whatever you are told you should be aware that fortune telling is just a reference and not an instruction and that you should be the leader and owner of your own life.


  1. Is the fortune telling in korean or in english?

  2. Hello Thank you for your comment.
    Korean fortune telling is in korean.
    However if you can't speak korean it's useful to take along a korean friend who can take notes and translate it to you.
    This is a very spiritual and exciting experience u hugely recommend.

  3. Hello Thank you for your comment.
    Korean fortune telling is in korean.
    However if you can't speak korean it's useful to take along a korean friend who can take notes and translate it to you.
    This is a very spiritual and exciting experience u hugely recommend.

  4. Hello Thank you for your comment.
    Korean fortune telling is in korean.
    However if you can't speak korean it's useful to take along a korean friend who can take notes and translate it to you.
    This is a very spiritual and exciting experience u hugely recommend.
