

30 Jan 2014

Catching a cold in Korea

For foreigners in Korea, getting sick can be difficult there's usually no one around to care for you, plus going to a Korean pharmacy and attempting to get the right medicine can be confusing and testing.
When I developed a nasty cold in Korea I was lucky my best friends were at hand to look after me and advise the right medicines.  My friend took me to a local pharmacy and presented me with an oriental medicine called 쌍화탕 Ssang Hwa Tang.

Ssang Hwa Tang is is used to alleviate the coughing and sneezing. The pharmacy presented it to me warm it had been heated to help you drink it down.
Used to treat mild colds this herbal medicine does taste a bit nasty but I really do swear by it. I would suggest drinking a bottle daily if your suffering from a cold and try heating it up first before drinking it.

1 comment:

  1. I used to drink little bottles of what I called 'tonics' when I had sinus infections in the winter while I lived in Seoul 22 years ago! I was searching online about Korean tonics like this to find out about what I just bought, and came across your site...
